Monday, November 4, 2013

Formula Samples, Baby Magazines, Daipers Coupons and more!

Click here for free baby magazines, formula samples, diaper coupons, health information and more.

"This is a sponsored conversation written for Everyday Family."

MR Food~~Homemade Candy Recipes

Free eCookbook - Homemade Candy Recipes: 20 Old-Fashioned Recipes for Chocolate Candy, Fudge, & More has chocolate candy recipes, nutty favorites, homemade fudge, and more!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

BOGO Outfut from Fab Kids!

Join our monthly outfit club and get adorable head to toe outfits delivered to your door each month.  Shop now and get 50% off your first outfit 

BOGO Promotion available for a limited time

High Value Duraflame Coupon!

Register for Duraflame and get discounts on their great fire related products.

Free Carseat Canopy!

Click on "Shop Now", select any canopy you would like (be sure to go to their sizing page so you can get the right size carrier for you). Once you have selected your size, you will automatically be directed to the "shopping bag" where you can enter the promo code “BABYSAVINGS” This promo code will take off 100% of the canopy purchase and all you are required to pay are the shipping fees. You can use the code more than once - you just have to open a new browser/window to do so. Due to its nature, this offer can't last long so please hurry.


Baby Einstein Package for only $5.95!

Welcome package includes 3 board books and 1 plush book, discovery cards with an attachable ring for only $5.95.
- Bonus book 50% Off: Jumbo board book, Baby’s First Words
- Receive a parent page with tips on how to introduce your baby to language, music, animals, nature and art.
- Make connections between images in the book and in the real world.
- Create lasting memories while developing a life-long love of reading.
- Shipping is FREE!
- Control your membership online.
- Risk free. Cancel anytime with NO purchase commitment!

FREE Betty Crocker Cookbook plus FREE Samples and Coupons!

Sign-up for a FREE weekly newsletter for the best of Betty! Get exclusive access to up to $250 per year in coupon savings, free samples every month, the hottest recipes and more! Plus when you sign up you get a FREE Betty Crocker Cook book that is valued at $10.99!